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Entrevistas completas no canal do Pânico Jovem Pan:
The Ride of Your Life – Europe Seconds That Emotion
If the market were a human being, they’d be a complete emotional wreck, seeing a whole team of psychiatrists and on a multitude of medications. In today’s market, confusion is the order of the day to say the least.
Renewing Limited Government: Limit UnionsWe can, and must, limit the runaway growth of corrupt labor unions in America. Workers should have the choice to organize, but not be forced to be bled by high dues and high taxes which go to ruin the very companies that employ them. Keep the unions… but limit them to the good and noble function for which they’re intended…
Earnings and Cycles Spell Stock Market RallyThings are finally in our favor. Recent stock market action mixed with rich American history and sprinkled with a big dose of disbelief is setting the stage for a 4th quarter relief rally.
Recession 2011 Versus Recession 2012Governments all around the world tried to rid of Recession 2011. They failed. Recession 2012 is going to be more horrendous. You should take measures to stay away from evils of recession.
President’s HARP May Hit The Right NoteSearching for a way to boost the economy without help from Congress, President Obama hits on a housing plan that might actually work. The president announced Monday that his administration will help homeowners refinance if they are making their mortgage payments on time, even if they have little or no equity in their properties because of the sagging housing market.