Marco Antônio Costa: Brasil da era Lula equivale a alguém contaminado por radiação

Marco Antônio Costa: Brasil da era Lula equivale a alguém contaminado por radiação

Marco Antônio Costa comenta sobre como a mistura do inchaço da máquina pública com a corrupção gerada durante a gestão Lula no Brasil obviamente resultaria no fracasso, e observa a naturalidade do maior espaço político por Bolsonaro e a lapidação da 3ª via.

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Uncertainty and A Great Crash In The Global Economic Situation – Can We Avert Them?

There are many economists who have no hesitation in cautioning that a crash of mammoth proportions in the world economic situation is staring us on our faces. According to these experts, no one can stop the United States, the European Union and China from speeding towards the intersection where the crash is expected to occur. The caution of these economists raises serious doubts about the future of the entire mankind.

Business Makes, But Government Takes

A “Demediacrat” said the other day that, if the government puts people to work digging a ditch and then filling it in again, it’s not a bad thing. “At least they’re productively employed,” was the assertion….

Is Hyperinflation Possible in America?

With the precarious position that we have recently put our economy in many have conjectured as to whether or not a bout of hyperinflation may be a serious reality. In this article we discover the facts behind this idea.

The Housing Industry Is the Problem!

A commentary about the TARP program and its inability to help the U.S. housing industry. The U.S. Housing Industry represents 17 to 18% of the Gross Domestic Product and the Obama administration has done very little to correct its problems.

Is China the Next Biotech Superpower?

Even though the economy right now is quite sour, China is about to spend billions of dollars on new biotech research, which will boost their economy and help them rise in superpower status. Right now China has a lot of money sitting around. With the U.S. in such dramatic debt levels right now, China has been saving money and not spending money like the U.S. has been in the last decade.

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