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Nap Time
That’s right, I’m tired…tired of the free-bee’s for irresponsible, free loading people in this country. Why did the government pressure banks to give loans to high risk applicants? If they are high risk that means they are likely not to fulfill their commitment to pay their mortgage….bottom line! But the government thought this was a great idea to let people of lower income with no credit, bad credit and past bad loans to turn a new page.
A Story of High Quality and the American EconomyFirst the mountains are the mountains; then, the mountains aren’t the mountains; then the mountains are the mountains once again. In the past the word “quality” was synonymous with the label “Made In America”. Over time, however, quality disappeared from the American manufacturing scene. The new economy, the one that is coming will be predicated on Quality as a reflection of our higher level of consciousness and our coming home to Who We Really Are.