José Maria Trindade: Bolsonaro matou a sede do Sertão

José Maria Trindade: Bolsonaro matou a sede do Sertão

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A Centrally Planned Economy – By Definition There Is No Success Allowed

As you might imagine, a centrally planned economy is one where the government plans everything related to the economy of the nation. In a very loosely centrally planned economy, this will include the government becoming a partner of the key businesses in the country. In a very tightly centralized economy, each individual’s occupation is chosen by the government. The question we will answer in this article is; can a person become successful in a country whose government centrally plans the economy?

New Fuel Efficiency Guidelines Divide the Trucking Industry

This article contains information on the new fuel efficiency guidelines set forth by the Obama Administration and how they will effect the trucking industry. From thousands of dollars for upgrades to gaining customers due to lowered fuel costs, this article will tackle all of the topics associated with these new fuel regulations.

Renewing Limited Government

The whole idea behind America is that, at least with regard to daily life in a temporal world, the people can rule themselves. The nation’s founders, in establishing the framework for this great experiment (which is what it was, 235 years ago), realized that government would grow to fill all unguarded space in terms of power, and therefore they worked hard to set up a constitutional system of “limited” government….

American Debt Crises Overview

The American economy has remained the pioneer of capitalism which realigned global trade across international borders. Today, countries are brought to the forefront of international partnerships and cooperative agreements on the basis of their economic performance.

Cleveland Gaining a New Industry

Downtown Cleveland has been rocked by giant explosions, sending hundreds of people running for cover and torching dozens of cars. Thick black smoke winds upwards, darkening the view from skyscraper window.  The streets are littered with rubble and storefronts will have to be rebuilt.

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