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Ratings Agencies Must Fight Together For Independence
If ratings agencies don’t hang together, the government will hang them separately. The people who run Fitch and Moody’s, who still give the U.S. Treasury a triple-A rating and thus remain part of the Washington in-crowd, ought to recall Benjamin Franklin’s famous warning.
Democrats Set the Stage for Aggressive Campaign on Tax ReformIn a move designed to establish a platform for an aggressive campaign on taxes and jobs, the Democratic National Committee is preparing to set a firm stance on the payroll tax. They plan to place significant pressure on Republicans to extend the payroll tax cut past the end of 2011.
How America Could Reduce Fiscal Deficit And Be More CompetitiveThe American economy is in the doldrums. This precarious situation has frightened most Americans out of their wits. Is the gloomy financial situation intractable? This article offer some suggestions on the way out of the fiscal cul-de-sac.
What Economic Crisis? This Is a Confidence CrisisIn the aftermath of our economic crisis, the U.S. government and Federal Reserve pulled out all the stops. God bless our politicians and our government. Not knowing what to do, most having never been in the situation before, once the U.S. economy collapsed in 2008 our government threw all kinds of money at the economy. They bailed out companies, they bailed out Wall Street, they saved the banks, and they tried desperately to create jobs.
US Economic Outlook – The Plight of the UnemployedThere is a spirit of somber, a soft unspoken sense of fear and disappointment in most urban cities in America; as millions of people are coping with the reality of a great economic decline in the US. Once a beacon of hope, revered by millions as a place where even a lowly average person can earn enough money to provide a comfortable living for themselves and their family.