Bolsonaro acerta ao confirmar Braga Netto como vice de sua chapa?

Bolsonaro acerta ao confirmar Braga Netto como vice de sua chapa?

Em meio à confirmação de Braga Netto como vice na chapa de Bolsonaro, Tomé Abduch, Fábio Piperno e Marco Antônio Costa têm debate acalorado sobre o impacto da escolha e a aproximação das Forças Armadas do poder Executivo, em meio aos recentes conflitos com o STF.

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Investment Gobbledygook

In a recent article in the “Sydney Morning Herald”, a private client adviser of a major stock broker explained why the share market had fallen for the past three days, after a period of strong gains, as follows: “I think it comes down to a bit of profit-taking. I guess the market is acknowledging we’ve had it pretty good for the last couple of months and it’s time to take a breather.”

Could Texas Finally Be Stabilizing From the Recession?

TXU Energy, the largest electricity retailer in north Texas, said Wednesday they are lowering their rates for the customers. TXU Energy Spokes woman Sophia Stoller said, the TXU energy rates which were, 15.9 cents per kilowatt-hour for usage of 1,000 kwh a month. The rate will drop by 7% on average, though some will drop as much as 15%.

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