Zoe, Guga e Paulo comentam aprovação de cassação de Gabriel Monteiro

Zoe, Guga e Paulo comentam aprovação de cassação de Gabriel Monteiro

Os comentaristas Guga Noblat, Paulo Figueiredo e Zoe Martinez comentam que os sete vereadores que compõem o Conselho de Ética da Câmara do Rio aprovaram por unanimidade nesta quinta-feira (11) o relatório final do vereador Chico Alencar (PSOL) que pediu a cassação do mandato do vereador Gabriel Monteiro (PL) por quebra de decoro parlamentar. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/c1u6uKvrusE

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Recession, Inflation & Housing – Home Prices Fluctuate, Real Estate Market Responds to the Economy

Amazingly, financial reporters still are reluctant to say the American economy is in recession (which it most obviously is). Hence when inflation fully shows its ugly face, expect housing prices to catch up with oil which already accounts for the dying dollar (a currency no longer carrying much weight with OPEC as a basket of currencies is being embraced and the Euro and yen taking preeminence).

Tricks Of Surviving In Hard Times

Food prices are sure to double in the next few years, stocking up on non-perishable items is a wise investment. Keeping all your money in the bank at low interest rates is foolish when it could be invested in the food you will be eating. The space underneath your bed can hold up to one thousand cans of tuna.

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