Eleições 2022: Haddad e Tarcísio apostam em padrinhos políticos

Eleições 2022: Haddad e Tarcísio apostam em padrinhos políticos

O período de campanha eleitoral começa oficialmente nesta semana, e os principais candidatos à presidência planejam acompanhar os candidatos ao governo do Estado de São Paulo para dar início à largada da disputa pelo Palácio do Planalto. Nesta terça-feira (16), Fernando Haddad (PT) participa ao lado de Lula (PT) de uma marcha com a militância pela região central da capital paulista. Já o candidato do Republicanos, Tarcísio Gomes de Freitas, estará ao lado do presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) na quinta-feira (18), em visita à cidade de São José dos Campos, onde se localiza seu domicílio eleitoral. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/b8xWKOceXG0

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Budget 2008 – How To Make A Financial Crisis Seem Dull

Today saw the announcement of Alistair Darling’s first budget. Not the most interesting budget because the Chancellor had little room to manoeuvre. On the one hand, the government is becoming increasingly unpopular which is stopping them from making any major steps towards raising taxes. On the other hand, the Treasury has overspent in previous years, which has reduced their ability to increase spending now the economy is entering a period of slower growth – and could really do with a little help from the Government.

An Interview With Jean Dreze

Jean Dreze is a Development Economist of Belgian origin (now an Indian citizen) and has co-authored several books with Nobel laureate Amartya Sen. He studied Mathematical Economics at the University of Essex and did his PhD (Economics) at the Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi. Jean has made wide-ranging contributions to development economics and public economics, with special reference to India. He is currently a visiting Professor at the University of Allahabad.

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