Léo Péricles conta sobre sua trajetória pessoal e a forte ligação com as lutas antirracista e pela reforma urbana, e explica como o contexto das manifestações pela redução da passagem em 2013 inspiraram a criação do Unidade Popular, cuja base é socialista e formada apenas por lideranças populares.
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Treasuries – The Next Bubble?
We’ve survived the tech bubble and the housing bubble, but are we headed for something more catastrophic than either of those? Some experts are beginning to fear the worst. There is so much money shifting into Treasuries, it can’t last forever and now some fear the Treasury market is venturing into bubble territory.
At Least They Mean WellCongress appears to be trying to save us from the jaws of a financial calamity on the scale of the Great Depression. If you don’t place too much faith in the ability of our Congress to get important things done quickly, you should at least feel good knowing that they mean well. As a lame-duck president tries to exit his office as quietly as possible, and the president-elect submits ideas and programs for the restoration of economic health once he becomes president, one wonders if any of it will help, and if so, how long it will take. More realistically, if you’re going to survive these difficult economic times, you’re going to have to do it by yourself.