Temer ainda pode lançar-se candidato à Presidência da República?

Temer ainda pode lançar-se candidato à Presidência da República?

Em meio à declaração de Temer negando o apoio do MDB ao PT nessas eleições, a bancada debate as chances do ex-presidente lançar-se candidato à Presidência da República, analisando seu histórico político e a força da candidatura de Tebet dentro do partido.

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Latest Recession in US Economy

Is a “Recession” really going on in US economy? Is US currently in the state of recession? Are US citizens face-to-face with recession? Are people living under the fear of ending up with loss of their jobs, losing into stack markets, going bankrupt, heading to ever highest inflation in the economy, huge downfall in property rates and a lot more.

Recession – Its Causes & Effects

It’s been a lot of time we hear of “Recession” going on in US market. Everyone is talking about recession. We cling to newspapers, television news channels, and financial reports only to discover “what next” in recession. Technically, recession means decline in GDP or Gross Domestic Product of a country for two consecutive quarters.

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