Rodrigo Constantino: Doria teve o “fica em casa” que desejou a tanta gente

Rodrigo Constantino: Doria teve o "fica em casa" que desejou a tanta gente

Rodrigo Constantino comenta sobre como a desistência da pré-candidatura presidencial foi o único caminho possível de Doria, tendo em vista a falta de espaço dentro do PSDB e o desgaste político resultante de sua campanha, e aponta como o ex-governador queimou sua carreira política.

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How Students Large College Loans Might Be Hurting the Economy

The saying goes that the only things that are guaranteed in life are death and taxes. However, more and more there’s been another addition to that list. The new guarantee seems to be that if you go to college, you are going to be burdened with tremendous amounts of debt for years to come. The question is, what are the implications of this?

Comparing 2010 With The Last Great Depression

It is a common topic that is discussed by national news programs and has become an everyday topic of discussion. It has affected everyone and the recent recession is known to be the worst economic crisis since the great depression. You can refer the statistics to know how the economic recession is deepening.

Watchful Eyes – The Need Of An Hour

To believe or not but Asia is on verge of a big collapse in 2012 probably if the boil in the market don’t stops right away. As per market research reports published in many magazines worldwide bubble is going to burst any time in Asia and precautions needs to be taken.

Social Classes in the US – Are There Unspoken Divisions in the Land of Freedom?

Recently, self proclaimed economic experts have been proclaiming the Death Bell signaling the elimination of the Middle Class America” has been clapping methodically for the last 3 years. Most of these experts were the very ones proclaiming the Conservatives’ battle cry of America’s Unions were destroying the economy by allowing the American worker to become fat and lazy, unable to compete in a world market.

How Far Have You Come Baby? Especially In Sports Memorabilia And Collectibles!

That’s where collectibles come into being a important aspect of time! Whatever is collected can almost pinpoint a time in history. That is why collectibles are and can be very valuable in the future!

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