Após Jorge Serrão ler algumas das perguntas presentes no questionário da recente pesquisa divulgada pelo Genial/Quaest, a bancada debate se as metodologias utilizadas nos levantamentos apresentam um viés ideológico que influencia no resultado dos índices de voto dos candidatos políticos.
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Declining Dollar and Failing US Economy – Greenback Has a Heart Attack, Bankruptcy on Wall Street
U.S. economy tanks and the dollar declines. Wall Street executives and global financial markets anticipate the death of the dollar when the greenback eventually has a heart attack. Make profits trading currency before you lose holding a dying dollar.
Financial Crisis in the USWe’ve recently watched the inevitable downfall of several major US insurance giants which were breaking one by one under the heavy pressure of American financial housing market crisis. Such huge and well-known mortgage corporations as Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, American International Group and Lehman Brothers were not ready for the great drop of real estate prices and following credit squeeze.