Em meio aos questionamentos e críticas sobre a demora da Saúde na compra das vacinas, Pazuello reitera como a situação atípica da pandemia não deve sofrer comparações, e detalha o trabalho realizado pela Fiocruz.
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Bailout – Taxpayers and Ordinary Citizens Are Paying For the US Economic Bailout
At first the President and the U.S. Senate wanted $700 billion. On October 1, 2008 they wanted $850 billion. The President and Congress have tried to scare the American people. What happened to the first $700,000,000,000? This bailout will give more money to risky lenders and shaky corporations.
A Financial Recession? The TruthSo are we in a financial recession or not? Is our money safe? Over the last short while — with banks collapsing and many families going bankrupt — this has been a hot topic. I’ve heard words such as apocalyptic or another great depression. I’m just like you and wanted some straight facts, so this is what I discovered.