Postura de Bolsonaro diante da morte de petista em Foz de Iguaçu foi correta?

Postura de Bolsonaro diante da morte de petista em Foz de Iguaçu foi correta?

Em meio à fala de Bolsonaro sobre as agressões cometidas por petistas contra o homem que atirou no tesoureiro do PT em Foz do Iguaçu, Fernando Conrado, Rodrigo Constantino e Fábio Piperno debatem se a postura do presidente foi correta ou leviana diante do caso.

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Pill in the Pudding

The entire global warming industry – for that’s exactly what it is – is designed to make people feel good about being “responsible stewards” of the environment. Of course, like any liberal cause, the cure-all is money, and lots of it. The plan seeks to reduce pollution by setting a limit on carbon emissions and allowing businesses and groups to buy allowances. According to a White House official, the vulnerable will receive free money in the form of “rebates”. He said, “Any revenues in excess of the estimate would be rebated to vulnerable consumers, communities and businesses.” There, my friends, is the pill in the pudding.

List of Bailout Pork – A Short List of Earmarks in the Bailout Bill

What is in the bailout plan? Rum, arrows, wool and racetracks…are these are few of your favorite things? Well, they certainly are favorites of a few lawmakers on Capital Hill. For your amusement, here is a list of bailout “pork.” Some items you may find more objectionable than others

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