Polêmica no futebol: Entenda a briga entre Neymar e Mbappé

Polêmica no futebol: Entenda a briga entre Neymar e Mbappé


De acordo com o jornal “Le Parisien”, Neymar e Mbappé se reuniram na última segunda-feira (15) com o diretor de futebol do clube, Luís Campos, e o técnico da equipe, Christophe Galtier, para aparar as arestas após o desentendimento em relação às cobranças de pênalti da equipe. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/8qYZyLxiQPk

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Economic Fallout From $100 Per Barrel Sweet Crude Oil Prices

Well, its finally happened hasn’t it, crude oil prices have topped $100 per barrel. One of the major problems is the lack of consumer confidence, which comes with high-oil prices. One, recent well-known industry blogger noted; “we have seen the fallout from rising gas & oil prices for the past year. It is one thing we can’t do a darn thing about but doom & gloom isn’t what we need right now. We just have to work smarter.”

America’s Edge in the Politics of Global Investing

Unlike most investment advisors and strategists, I pay a lot of attention to politics, both here in America and in overseas markets. The politics of a country tells me a lot about the probability of long-term economic growth and stability – vital ingredients for successful investing. How does America stand up relative to other markets around the world as voters in New Hampshire go to the polls? Let’s find out.

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