Paulo Figueiredo x Guga Noblat: A Carta da USP é legítima?

Paulo Figueiredo x Guga Noblat: A Carta da USP é legítima?

Os comentaristas Guga Noblat, Paulo Figueiredo e Zoe Martinez analisam se a carta em Defesa do Estado Democrático de Direito é válida. O manifesto foi lido na manhã desta quinta-feira (11) no Pátio das Arcadas, na área interna da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), em São Paulo. Assista ao Morning Show completo:

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Birmingham Midshires Reveals Boost In Brit Saving Levels

n the face of rising constraints in the financial markets, Britons appear to be evermore prepared to take steps to safeguard their spending. Such is the claim of Birmingham Midshires, following the release of figures from the financial services provider revealing that consumers are putting an increasing amount of money into savings accounts. According to the firm, the typical person deposited some 938 pounds into a savings vehicle during the last three months.

Poor Housing Market Primary Reason For High Foreclosure Rates – What Can You Do?

The market has not just taken a turn for the worse; it seems to be in a nose dive that hit the ground and just kept going. The FDIC has described the housing market as a “whirlpool spinning out of control” and they do not expect it to stop any time soon.

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