Paraná Pesquisas: Lula e Bolsonaro têm empate técnico em nova pesquisa

Paraná Pesquisas: Lula e Bolsonaro têm empate técnico em nova pesquisa

Um levantamento feito pelo Paraná Pesquisas mostra o ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) com 41,3% das intenções de voto no 1º turno. O presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) tem 37,1%. Os 2 mantiveram o patamar da última pesquisa realizada pela empresa, em 24 de agosto, quando o resultado havia sido de 41,7% para o petista a 37% para o presidente. Assista ao Morning Show completo:

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Funding Under Funded Pensions Should Include No Strike Clause

Most workers who work in a very large corporation are extremely concerned about the under funded pensions. Most people are very concerned also that they may be living longer and run out of money in their retirement. Many financial advisers and planners are now telling people to postpone their retirement as long as possible.

Switching From The Unofficial To The Official Book Market

Most economies are equipped with two economic infrastructures; two different markets for the same goods. You will not only find this in less developed economies with a parallel currency market (next to the official currency market). But even in developed countries there is the black market as opposed to the legal white market. Less dramatic differences are there between the official stock market and the over the counter (OTC) market. The book market is still a very big market, which covers different sub types, for instance the second hand market. The book market is a place where publishers sell books and where readers buy them. But what if you have selected one market — as an author — and you want to switch later on …

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