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Shelter Runs Out Of Patience With the Government And Finance Industry
Leading housing and homelessness charity Shelter have demanded that the government urgently set up a free service to help people who are in serious mortgage arrears and risk losing their homes through repossession. The charity issued the plea following a 14% increase in the number of people seeking help last year compared to 2006. Almost 80,000 homeowners called Shelter during 2007 hoping for advice on how to deal with falling behind on their mortgage repayments.
Insolvency Figures Buck The Predicted TrendMuch has been written recently about the dire state of personal finances in the UK, but figures recently released by the Insolvency Service have shown that it may not be as bad as all the doom and gloom merchants are predicting. Their latest report shows that the number of individual insolvencies in England and Wales actually fell during 2007 when compared to the previous year. A total of 106,645 insolvencies were recorded last year, 0.