OS PINGOS NOS IS – 19/05/2022

OS PINGOS NOS IS - 19/05/2022

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Why Did the Atlas Shrugged Get Poor Reviews in the Original Release Date?

Most advanced placement high school students are required to read at least one or more of Ayn Rand’s novels, and rightfully so because they are classics. Both Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged are extremely important readings for those growing up so they can understand how capitalism works, and why free-market capitalism is so important to our great nation. Of course, it’s hard to get through 900 pages of such a complex novel, so it is good to see that Hollywood has made the movie Atlas Shrugged, starring some very famous Hollywood actors and actresses.

Inflation Nowhere to Be Found in the US – Baloney, Try Everywhere

It is interesting that the Federal Reserve says that there is no real inflation to worry about, and yes we don’t have any wage inflation, at least not any serious wage inflation because unemployment rates are still fairly high. But we are getting wholesale inflation and price inflation due to the rapidly increasing costs of commodities around the world. Some contend that the rapid increase in prices around the world is being caused by the United States.

Fixing the Economy – One Man’s Opinion, and Just Good Reading

How are we going to fix the economy and the housing market? The hot topic of the decade so far. There are many ideas and opinions offered from those who are supposed to know the answers. There are also many ideas and opinions from the common people who are not supposed to have all the answers. Let me throw one more idea out there that I have not heard anyone from either side offer up. 100% Debt Amnesty for All American Citizens–Not for business of any kind–For the People. I say fix the people-who have been devastated by that not of their own doing–first and everything else will fall into place. Remember this is just one mans opinion and/or crazy–hey this just might work–idea.

How Demand Works in an Economy

An economy is all about supply and demand. In this article, we discuss the economic demand that consumers have, and how demand translates to value for the consumer.

Can Struggling Cities Shrink Their Way To Health?

Luther Gordon, 54, has lived in the same Detroit neighborhood for more than two decades, as he told The New York Times. He doesn’t plan to leave his city, but his city should be thinking about leaving him.

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