“O Lockdown aumentou a desigualdade e agora….”

"O Lockdown aumentou a desigualdade e agora...."

A pandemia de covid-19 “certamente não acabou”, alertou o chefe da Organização Mundial da Saúde, apesar de um declínio nos casos relatados desde o pico da onda ômicron. Ele disse aos governos que baixamos a guarda por nossa conta e risco.

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Keep an Eye on the Rear View Mirror

Keep an eye on your rear view mirror. The twin threats of inflation and domino defaults can harm even healthy economies like Texas.

What Is Deflation Anyhow?

A major new economic trend is now solidly in place… It will fool 9 out of every 10 investors and affect everything you own. My mission: to make a positive difference in peoples lives and to help them survive the coming deflation economy and the greater depression.

Outrageous Fees Proposal – Students Facing a Brutal Choice

Plans to allow universities to triple tuition fees and charge students up to £9,000 a year have left the Government facing its biggest test of coalition unity. Universities said they will be left with no choice but to massively increase fees as they face huge cuts in Government funding.

The Myth of Net Neutrality

Is Net Neutrality, the theory that all users (websites and other content providers) should have equal access to traffic, in jeopardy? Is there a threat to free speech? In this article, ‘The Myth of Net Neutrality’ we’ll address the current state of ‘access’ and the pros and cons of government regulation of the internet through the FCC.

The Future of Jobs: Hiring Technology, Green Talent and a Space Race

The state of the American Job has been drastically fluctuating over the past few years.  As the economy took a dive towards the gutters, the job market also took a pretty hard hit.  Recently, however, things are looking a little brighter as the economy and job forecast appear to be picking up (albeit slower than we’d all like).

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