O corpo onde agente mora – Bubu e as corujinhas -JP KIDS

O corpo onde agente mora - Bubu e as corujinhas -JP KIDS

O corpo onde agente mora – BUBU E AS CORUJINHAS – JP KIDS
Seja bem-vindo (a) ao canal da Bubu e as Corujinhas – Desenho Infantil Educativo! 💜
Com vídeos semanais, sempre em um novo desenho infantil educativo, contamos as aventuras de Bubu e seus irmãos, Biel (a corujinha de óculos) e Bonie (a caçulinha da família), na floresta de Los Arboles, em um lindo episódio de desenho animado infantil.

As Corujinhas adoram explorar e aprender com os mais variados animais que encontram em suas aventuras, mas sempre com Papai e Mamãe Coruja de olho, prontos para ensinar a seus filhotes sobre as características da floresta e de seus moradores.

Current Economic Climate and Virtual Assistants

With the current market the way it is, companies everywhere are making their staff redundant. This is an unfortunate but very real occurrence everywhere you look. Its not all bad news though, it is causing many people to really evaluate their current jobs or industries that they have just been made redundant from.

“Fair Trade” and Local – Can They Co-Exist?

Goods and services that are “fairly traded” have garnered much cachet in recent years. However, “fair trade” has drawbacks, particularly when compared to some locally produced items. Can “fair trade” and “locally produced” co-exist? What should one consider when deciding whether to purchase “fairly traded” vs. locally produced goods?

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