Samy Dana comenta sobre o crescimento apontado no PIB de 1,2% da economia brasileira em relação ao trimestre passado, destacando os índices positivos da indústria, serviços e agronegócio, e comenta sobre a redução de 7% da gasolina anunciada pela Petrobras, válida a partir de amanhã.
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Hydropower As A Major Player In The Energy Game
Hydropower has been a slumbering giant in the energy game. Since the 1960s, its use has actually gone down compared to other energy sources. This is beginning to change.
Track and Tracing – Beyond The Power of Individual PlayersOne area in which a law altered the rules quite a bit is the Food business. The General Food Law (GFL) that entered in force in (January) 2005 (in Europe) triggered a big change. Probably the real trigger is to be searched among the incidents we all know about; The mad cow disease, bird flu and other threats that are evolving rapidly. And our health is at stake.