Marco Antônio Costa: STF se coloca em posição de antagonista e torcida política contra Bolsonaro

Marco Antônio Costa: STF se coloca em posição de antagonista e torcida política contra Bolsonaro

Marco Antônio Costa critica as articulações do Supremo e o alto grau de torcida política adotado pelos ministros contra Bolsonaro desde o momento de sua eleição, e endossa a indignação do povo diante dos abusos de autoridade escancarados.

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China’s Perfect Financial Economic Storm Cometh

China has experienced the most impressive growth of any nation in the history of mankind over the last 4-decades, and many see things as continuing at this break-neck speed. However, we’ve all heard the challenges with economic overheating, industrial labor revolutions, and all the problems which go with rocket ship growth. In fact there was a fairly decent article in Bloomberg Asian Business titled: “China at 60% Risk of Banking Crisis, Fitch Gauge Signals” By Kevin Hamlin and posted on March 7, 2011.

The Open Road Beckons US And Mexico

Each year around $200 billion of goods from Mexico pass into the United States. Now the trucks that carry those goods, and the people who drive them, will be allowed to enter as well. A proposed agreement between Presidents Barack Obama and Felipe Calderon will end a two-decade-old policy that prohibits Mexican trucking companies from carrying goods more than 25 miles over U.S. soil.

India Embroiled

India shining in terms of GDP figures is a myth. True growth occurs when development benefits are percolated to the most underprivileged strata of the society. To believe that 64 years of Independence would transform the societal virtues is again a dream. Sixty percent of the estimated 114 crore population still lives in the 6 lakh villages.

United We Stand – Support Unions

What is the economy for? What makes a strong economy? And what does this have to do with Wisconsin union busting battle?

How Serious Is Political Risk for Private Equity in Africa?

Just as Africa is being touted as the last investment frontier capable of delivering super returns, the recent populist ousting of Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, and Tunisian president, Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, has raised for many investors the continent’s old ghost of political risk. And, yes, in extreme situations such as we have seen in Egypt, where trade and tourism stopped almost completely for nearly three weeks, it is difficult for businesses of most types and sizes to escape the negative consequences. However, for those of us who’ve been operating in the private equity field in Africa…

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