Marco Antônio Costa: Nenhuma articulação política convence legitimidade das propostas de Tebet

Marco Antônio Costa: Nenhuma articulação política convence legitimidade das propostas de Tebet

Marco Antônio Costa ressalta como a ideia de uma 3ª via para as eleições presidenciais surgiu de um projeto de políticos sem qualquer capacidade de articulação, que revelou-se ainda mais fraco com o esvaziamento de seus discursos, e enfatiza o contraponto da gestão de Bolsonaro e a defesa pela liberdade.

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We Sure Hear a Lot About Confidence When It Comes to Our Economy – Let’s Talk

Not long ago, an acquaintance of mine questioned one of my comments on Consumer, Small Business and Investor Confidence, and he asked; “I’ve heard that before and never understood it; Confidence in what?” The future; tax raises, ability to get and keep a job, inflation, loss of savings, home prices, investment values, etc.

What’s So Special About You?

The fact is, our only hope is that the home-gaming generation wakes up and realizes that freedom isn’t free, the future isn’t certain, and the Constitution of the United States that we celebrate today is the only thing that really makes us special. It isn’t “us.” It’s only us if we get back to being the ballast of the world that our Founding Fathers designed our nation to be.

Bad Economy Caused By Economic Apathy

Do you care about the bad economy? Do you really? Answer this question: “How does the government affect the economy?” Care to hazard a guess?

Economic News – The Hype Versus the Reality

No wonder most people don’t understand the economy. Often what might seem good on one hand, has bad side effects on the other. For example, the stock market rises- one would think that was good!

Current Global Economic Issues – A Look at Globalization’s Benefits and Downfalls

If you wish to gain a clearer understanding of the current global economic issues that have facilitated the present recession in the world then it is important to take a look at the history behind it. Only as we assess the trends and their impact on our economic health here and abroad can we get to the truth.

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