Marco Antônio Costa: Bolsonaro deve usar instrumentos jurídicos para mostrar que Moraes é suspeito

Marco Antônio Costa: Bolsonaro deve usar instrumentos jurídicos para mostrar que Moraes é suspeito

Marco Antônio Costa reitera como Moraes e os outros ministros do STF escancaram seus abusos de autoridade e poder, sem qualquer perspectiva de bom senso em suas decisões, e aponta como a notícia crime de Bolsonaro é importante para tentar reverter as arbitrariedades do Judiciário.

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Is UK’s Unemployment Market on the Road to Recovery?

The UK government released its latest figures for the employment market in the UK. The unemployment in the UK is now at 7.7%, a reduction of 0.3% over the previous quarter.

Who Says America Can’t Create Jobs? Look How Many Jobs Our Government Created in China!

There is a funny line I like to use when someone tells me that we don’t make anything anymore in the United States. I tell them, “yes we do, we make hamburgers,” and that always gets a little bit of a laugh, but in many regards is not very funny is it? It seems that the United States Corporation has a factory floor, where all the corporations put their factories, and unfortunately the factory floor is not in the United States, it’s in China.

What Affects The Economy?

Major factors that have a huge economic impact, short-term and long-term, are the implementation of government policies, and the actions of the Federal Reserve. Learn what happened in 1913. This changed everything.

5 Ways to Utilize Your Cash When the Economy Turns Downward

When times turn bad and investing becomes more risky than usual, it’s hard to gauge what you should do. You may be in a position where you’ve managed to make money and accumulate wealth, but you’ve seen many of those financial vehicles that have been so dependable start to lose their money-generating power or perhaps even die out entirely.

How to Protect Your Cash Against Inflation in Bad Economic Times

When the economy goes south it’s difficult to discern exactly what you should do with your money. You don’t want to simply hide it, letting inflation nibble away at its worth and you don’t want to scatter it around on risky and useless investments. Continue reading…

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