Luto no humor: Brasil se despede de Jô Soares

Luto no humor: Brasil se despede de Jô Soares

Morreu o humorista e apresentador José Eugênio Soares, conhecido como Jô Soares, aos 84 anos, na madrugada desta sexta-feira (05). Ele estava internado no hospital Sírio Libanês, em São Paulo, desde o final do mês de julho. Assista ao Morning Show completo:

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Approved Mortgages Hit Lowest Ever

The number of new mortgages approved for people seeking to buy a home in the UK fell to just 33,000 in July, adding to fears of impending recession. Figures from the Bank of England (BoE) reveal that the number of mortgages approved dropped by 71 per cent year-on-year to the lowest recorded, as lenders choose not to fund to buyers. The credit crunch has forced the finance companies to take stock of the money that they are lending and the new BoE figures are seen by many analysts as another blow for the economy.

Warren Buffett – The World’s Richest Man, Financially, Ethically and Morally

“By the time you get to be my age, you want to know just how many of the people who love you, actually do love you!” Warren Buffett, the sage of Omaha and originator of this quote, was an acquaintance from our 20 years in that wonderful Midwestern city. His wife Susie, now deceased, was heavily involved in a number of community organizations. She was a true friend and a wonderful advocate of the disenfranchised.

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