Jornada Empreendedora na Niu Cursos – Garanta 55% de desconto antes que acabe

Jornada Empreendedora na Niu Cursos - Garanta 55% de desconto antes que acabe

Mais de 150 aulas de sete setores diferentes do empreendedorismo, reunidas em um só curso.


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A Niu Cursos lançou a Jornada Empreendedora, um pacote com 7 cursos, onde 8 profissionais de áreas diferentes ensinam os atalhos e todo conhecimento que adquiriram em anos de experiência, para que você tenha o sucesso que deseja no empreendedorismo!

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The Mess in the US – Part I

Falling home values, growing unemployment, plunging stock prices; how did we get into this mess? Well, in order to fully understand our current economic funk, we need to go back and examine the roots of what has now been coined “the credit crisis.” So take a walk with me down memory lane while we explore the origins of securitized loans and unregulated swap contracts in a fascinating tail of innovation, riches, stupidity, and good ol’ fashion greed.

Recession – 6 Tips From Grandma

Who best to ask for practical advice concerning what to do in an economic recession than my depression-experienced 89 year-old grandma!? Having experienced the depression along with her 7 siblings, she has strong opinions about “being prepared” during this recession. Unlike during the Great Depression, my grandma says that people now have more time to prepare for the future. 6 tips from Grandma, along with her added emphasis to “start now”.

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