Jorge Serrão: TSE não aceita contribuições dos profissionais de fato da informática

Jorge Serrão: TSE não aceita contribuições dos profissionais de fato da informática

Jorge Serrão analisa as complicações da total rejeição do TSE às contribuições dos militares e de seus conhecimentos informáticos para as eleições, e observa como a verdadeira tentativa de golpe está na compra de votos nas periferias e na possibilidade de Bolsonaro cair pela falta de uma base forte caso seja reeleito.

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Barack Obama’s Stimulus Package

President Obama revealed a plan at the start of this year to revive our financial system in the short term with a stimulus package which brought in an initial 75 billion dollars to the economy, mostly in the shape of tax breaks and cash aimed at seniors, house owners, working class families and those who are without jobs. The plan also contained 45 billion dollars in backup funds which could be released into the economy rapidly as required or in case the situation continued to become worse.

The Most Fundamental Economic Concept

“TIME IS MONEY.” Understanding this concept can mean the difference between reaching or not reaching your financial dreams. Even if you just save a little money at a time and do this consistently, over time it will add up to great wealth, which is great news if all you have is time and only little money. most of us have small amounts of time and money.

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