Jorge Serrão: Contribuição das Forças Armadas ao processo eleitoral não deveria ser alvo de deboche

Jorge Serrão: Contribuição das Forças Armadas ao processo eleitoral não deveria ser alvo de deboche

Jorge Serrão faz um apelo à necessidade do TSE situar-se no momento político atual e parar de tratar com desdém as contribuições das Forças Armadas ao processo eleitoral, tendo em vista a falta de transparência das eleições com a não implementação da contagem pública de votos.

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What Now For Automotive Suppliers?

Chrysler, the #3 American car manufacturer filed for bankruptcy protection with 39 billion more in debts than assets. General Motors (GM), the #1 American car manufacturer filed for bankruptcy protection with 91 billion more in debts than assets. Since February 2000, employment in motor vehicles and parts has declined by approximately 50 percent. (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics) So what is to become of the automotive suppliers?

Stimulating Stimulus Package by President Obama

With the country facing its worst economic conditions in 75 years, the consent among economists was to leave the solution to the Federal Reserve because previous economic situations had been resolved to everyone’s satisfaction in that manner. The concern was that if congress was to get involved, the resulting legislation would arrive too late and/or be ineffective.

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