Debate sobre poliamor divide a bancada

Debate sobre poliamor divide a bancada

Dentro do “guarda-chuva” da não-monogamia existe o poliamor, uma relação afetiva ou sexual que envolve mais de duas pessoas, independente do gênero e da orientação sexual. Ao contrário do que muita gente pensa, não é algo bagunçado. Em tempos de libertação de padrões e antigos costumes da sociedade, as pessoas têm experimentado novas formas de pensar, agir e se relacionar.

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Poverty Eradication in Nigeria Through Agriculture and Enterprise Revolution

Circumstances changed radically with the oil boom of the 1970s, as the discovery of vast oil and gas reserves in the strategically significant sub-Saharan nation turned its fortunes overnight. The windfall transformed Nigeria’s agricultural landscape into a gigantic oil field crisscrossed by more than 7,000 km of pipelines connecting 6,000 oil wells, two refineries, innumerable flow stations and export terminals. The colossal investments in the sector paid off, with unofficial estimates suggesting Abuja raked in more than $600 billion in petrodollars in the last decade alone.

Mining and Nigeria’s 2020 Goals

Revitalising the mining sector is part of extended government efforts to rectify massive imbalances in the economy, and the solid mineral sector is seen as crucial to overcoming the historic dependence on oil and gas. Mining activities suffered heavily because of official neglect during more than three decades of political turmoil and civil war that shattered the Nigerian economy. The richly endowed nation boasts vast reserves of iron ore and coal, besides significant gold, uranium, gypsum, barite and tantalum deposits.

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