Cristina Graeml analisa como a instalação da CPI do MEC é inconveniente diante da proximidade do período eleitoral, sendo apenas as acusações feitas por Randolfe Rodrigues contra Bolsonaro insuficientes sem provas concretas, e ressalta a competência da CGU e da PF no comando das investigações.
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Why Oil Caused the Bankruptcy of the World
In the BBC Report on 7/14/09 on FOOD, they touched on the price and link to oil. I have heard few reports putting the impact of $147/barrel oil in detail. Since they grazed over oil in your food report, I will continue in the context of FOOD.
More Foundations Providing Safety Net Funding to NonprofitsWhile the federal government American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding flounders and states pull back funding for essential services, foundations are stepping up “Safety Net” grants to help with the services most critical in our economic times. Namely, job training, meals programs, homeless assistance, literacy and education initiatives, and other services targeting the poorest families.