Cinema: “Não olhe, não olhe” traz o Jordan Peele de volta ao terror

Cinema: “Não olhe, não olhe” traz o Jordan Peele de volta ao terror

“Não! Não Olhe!”, novo filme de Jordan Peele, traz terror alienígena. Em filme enigmático, o diretor de “Nós” e “Além da Imaginação” apresenta mais um suspense com a problemática social do racismo e do preconceito. Assista ao Morning Show completo:

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Paid To Passage Straits Of Malacca

Moreover, the amount to be paid is a mere drop in the ocean and won’t threaten their bottom line. The stepped-up naval patrols and aerial surveillance by Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore have been effective in reducing piracy, but these are expensive affairs and so are the buoys, lighthouses and other navigation aids, and the measures to clean up oil spills. Since the littoral states have taken purposeful measures to come to grips with the issues of safety, security and pollution, it is incumbent on the international maritime community to lend them a hand. It is time the shipping industry took on board the idea that it too should contribute financially to the upkeep of one of the world’s busiest sea lanes.

Is a Recession Likely for UK Economy?

With growth forecasts in the UK currently of 3% it seems highly speculative to start talking of a recession in the UK. However there are certain factors that cause an element of concern.

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