Carta em defesa da democracia conta com mais de 900 mil assinaturas

Carta em defesa da democracia conta com mais de 900 mil assinaturas

Os comentaristas Guga Noblat, Paulo Figueiredo e Zoe Martinez debatem sobre a carta em defesa da democracia na Faculdade de Direito da USP. O documento, que começou com a assinatura de cerca de três mil pessoas, entre banqueiros, empresários, juristas, atores e diversas outras personalidades, tem acumulado adesões desde que foi aberto ao público em 26 de julho e passa das 908 mil assinaturas. Assista ao Morning Show completo:

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What Will Google Do With $4 Billion?

Google is planning on floating another $4 billion in shares. The question then becomes, with reserves of over $2 billion, what does the company want with the extra cash? This article provides my own speculation and insight and it might surprise you.

Economic Stimulus Shows Us a Good Thing About Recession – How Will You Spend Your Tax Rebate?

This is a professionally designed event production plan that anyone can use to produce a brief publicity event which will stimulate donations to worthy causes from recipients of the US Government’s Economic Stimulus Payments. If you follow this plan faithfully, your event will have quality, professionalism, and effect equivalent to commercial grade, agency-designed publicity. An independent marketing professional developed this event model as a public service, following a carefully devised approach. The scope and cost have been minimized to eliminate barriers. This event can be produced repeatedly, as often as desired, in any suitable location and conditions, for any audience within the intended market niche.

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