“Cala a boca, p*rra”, disse Roberto Carlos para fã durante show

“Cala a boca, p*rra”, disse Roberto Carlos para fã durante show


O cantor Roberto Carlos se irritou durante um show no Rio de Janeiro, na última quarta-feira (13), e mandou um fã calar a boca. O momento aconteceu durante a performance da música “Como é Grande o Meu Amor por Você”, quando um grupo de fãs começou a gritar, em especial um homem não identificado. “Cala a boca p*rra, c*ralho”, disse o cantor, fora do microfone. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/kIK-09bKtkU

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Philosophical Thought on Economic Development in California

Recently, I was asked to volunteer my time and talents to help recruit businesses for our city. Why? Well, we like all of California were hit by an economic recession. In the city I live in unemployment was still quite low, in the six percent or less range, but our neighboring cities were experiencing at or above the 10.1% like the rest of California.

Palm Desert CA – Entrepreneurial Incubator Case Study

Every city wishes to have successful businesses in their area, which pay high salaries and support the tax base needed to have a successful city. Let’s take an example shall we; Palm Desert CA for instance.

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