Felipe D’Ávila comenta sobre como Romeu Zema é um exemplo de como o patrimônio eleitoral não necessariamente faz com os políticos se deixem corromper pelo sistema, e contrapõe os avanços da agenda reformista de Bolsonaro à sua aliança com o Centrão, explicando como a ala não é sinônimo de governabilidade.
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Automakers to Buy Chinese Parts; So Much for the Delphi Strikes and German Autoworkers
Well it looks as if all those United States High Paying Auto Maker Jobs are leaving the country again. Why so fast this time? Well US Auto Makers will need to be buying parts from other countries to compete for price and profits. Where will they be buying these parts from? Well China of course.
Minimum Wage Increases Guarantee Robotic Industry InvestmentsCurrently there are many cities, counties and states consider a minimum wage hike. Why? Well it is simple really every time there is an election a podium pushing politician will totally ignore free market realities and real world economic in order to appease the voters and therefore call for increased wages. Many liberals think this is fair, because people should have a fair wage.