Bolsonaro para Di Caprio: “Você de novo, Leo?”

Bolsonaro para Di Caprio: "Você de novo, Leo?"

O presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) respondeu a publicação do ator Leonardo DiCaprio em seu perfil do Twitter sobre o desmatamento na Amazônia. Em uma série de publicações em inglês, também pelo Twitter, o chefe do Executivo disse que “adoraria” ver o artista parar “de espalhar informações erradas”. Assista ao Morning Show completo:

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Bank Crisis – Why No-One is Talking About the Truth – The Simple View

Economic Recession 2008 – are these Real Problems or Bank Fraud Created? The article gives the case that there are direct parallels between the behaviour of bank staff, managers and senior directors in the causes of the bank crisis and the demise of Enron and Worldcom. In the latter there was clear public prosecution of the perpetrators of the fraud. In the present situation the same managers are in place and being supported and bailed-out by the same governments who called for the “heads” of those responsible for the Enron and Worldcom situations. As recession slides into depression, the calls for those responsible to be called to account become ever more silent. There was fundamentally nothing wrong with world economy, the article explains the background scenario for the bank crisis and labels it “fraud”.

The Four Main Factors That Determine Prices at the Pumps

Have you ever wondered why gas keeps going up and down? We’ve all asked the question before! There are four main reasons! Be the one to have the answer next time somebody wonders out loud why gas is so expensive!

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