Bandeira do Brasil será proibida pela Justiça?

Bandeira do Brasil será proibida pela Justiça?

O presidente Jair Bolsonaro reagiu às falas da juíza Ana Lúcia Todeschini Martinez, titular do cartório eleitoral de Santo Antônio das Missões e Garruchos, no Rio Grande do Sul, que disse entender que a bandeira do Brasil vai configurar propaganda eleitoral a partir do início oficial da campanha, no próximo dia 16 de agosto. Assista ao Morning Show completo:

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Amid Abrupt Economic and Environmental Changes CSA Farms Emerge As a Resourceful Strategy

As the economic and natural worlds abruptly mutate around us, food and farms are also, inevitably, in the ongoing thrall of this blitzkrieg of change. Consider the factors in motion: finance, employment, transport, climate, oil, agrochemical and water supplies, human health, and the genetics of our food chain. All of the above, and more, underscore the need for individuals, families, neighborhoods and communities to take steps now to cultivate food security.

Why The Preoccupation With Bad Financial News?

If I said to you, “aren’t you sick and tired of hearing negative news”, I would feed into more of the negative news as there is chance that my question could trigger a negative response. Aside from that, I wonder what it is about some people that seem to enjoy being right about some sort of pending doom and gloom.

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