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Washington Can’t Fix a Problem That They Created!

I often wonder how many people really think that the “government” actually creates jobs. Politicians take credit for creating jobs everyday all day, but do they actually do any job creation? The short answer is NO! Oh they will twist it and spin it to look that way, but in reality they don’t do anything but cost jobs with their indecisiveness and turmoil.

No One Listened As the Economic Crisis Unfolded – Was Group Think to Blame?

The striking lesson from the recent financial crisis and the current recession is that there were many warning signs that went unheeded. It wasn’t that prominent and respected individuals were silent. They spoke out. Yet, no one listened. From very generous investment returns to Wall Street bonuses and to inflated home prices, there were scores of people who reaped the benefits. This article suggests how Group Think, a concept introduced by Irving Janus, can explain how all of us can fall prey to turning a blind eye when we have a lot to lose by looking realistically at a situation.

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