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The Restless Winds of Change – Are They Blowing Away Opportunities For Google?

Technology has always been an ever changing environment. Yahoo came, and it pretty much dominated, then Google came, and it did likewise, now Twitter and Facebook are here. Are we witnessing the changing of the guard in the news industry?

The Canadian Economy and Real Estate

The Canadian economy seems to be the outlier in the world’s markets, it has experienced consistent growth and is expected to fully recover from the recession this year. However, the national real estate market is expected to cool down. What will this mean for Vancouver real estate?

Why the Keynesian Approach is Failing to Revive the Economy

The Keynesian approach to economics is derived from the idea that the government can smooth out economic highs and lows to create a more stable situation. It is controversial, but is currently in use world wide. The question is why isn’t it working?

INR Appreciation and the Road Ahead

The Indian Rupee has evolved to great acceptance Worldwide since its inception by Sher Shah Suri in the 16th century in the form of copper coins when 40 copper coins were said to constitute Re 1. The period of relevance in its history is the 20th century.

Economic Summit in Russia 2010 Recap

In 2009 the Russian Economic Summit was a chance for many nations including the BRIC Nations; Brazil-Russia-India-China to give their disapproval of the Global Economic Crisis, and they like most blamed the United States of America. The 2010 Russian Economic Summit was a totally different scene, rather than complaining or pointing fingers, it was all about the future, growth, and strength of the economic recovery.

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