Apoiado por Lula, Kalil é desmascarado ao zombar da fé do brasileiro

Apoiado por Lula, Kalil é desmascarado ao zombar da fé do brasileiro

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We Are As a Nation Heading Into Bankruptcy and Financial Disaster – A Medical Disaster Also

The disaster that took place in our financial markets has become a stepping stone for government to step in under the guise of helping, it has been trying to control salaries for top executives all over the business community. I agree that salaries and compensation for top level management have gone beyond reason and that there must be caps and restrictions placed where performance is tied to results.

FTC’s Proposed Rules to Protect Consumers From Unscrupulous Debt Settlement Firms Good Step Forward

For too long now, bad apples in the settlement industry have been making big money at the expense of consumers desperate to find a solution to their debt problems. They have given settlement a negative image and caused many consumers to avoid settlement when it would have been a good option for them, assuming they worked with a reputable firm. Earlier this year the FTC announced a set of rules that will help curb the business practices of unscrupulous debt settlement firms.

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