Ações da PF geram impactos positivos na campanha de Bolsonaro? Eduardo Bolsonaro analisa

Ações da PF geram impactos positivos na campanha de Bolsonaro? Eduardo Bolsonaro analisa

Ao ser questionado sobre uma ação da PF no RJ que atacou milicianos, Eduardo Bolsonaro ressalta como há tempos a milícia deixou de promover a segurança da população, e faz um apelo à necessidade do Congresso focar em aumentar o poder da PF ao invés de suavizar penas como forma mais eficaz de combater o tráfico de drogas e reduzir a criminalidade no Brasil.

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600 Billion Lost in a Day? Are You Ready For the Next Recession?

The stock market take a tumble – what does this mean – why has it happened – what does it mean to you? The stock market in Shanghai recently took a tumble (9% down), what was interesting was the next trading session in New York repeated the action.

Are the Civilizations of North America Moving Towards a Knowledge Base Economy?

Many economists, capitalists and government agency experts are watching manufacturing industries dwindle as they are unable to compete in world markets. It is therefore theorized by academics, policy makers and many economists that we must reposition ourselves and prepare for a knowledge based economy.

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