Jorge Serrão: Bolsonaro explora politicamente impopularidade do Supremo e da Justiça

Jorge Serrão: Bolsonaro explora politicamente impopularidade do Supremo e da Justiça

Jorge Serrão observa como o que verdadeiramente afasta investidores externos do Brasil é a insegurança jurídica causada pelos abusos do Supremo, e analisa como os respectivos enfoques das estratégias de Bolsonaro e do STF na defesa do estado democrático de direito e o futuro das eleições.

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When Crony Capitalism Moves In So Do the Most Corrupt Entrepreneurs

It is rather interesting to hear the Obama Administration claim that they are pro-business. Although, they may actually believe what they are saying, it would appear to a free-market capitalist like myself, that they don’t understand what being pro-business actually means. For instance, being pro-business does not mean changing the rules and regulations to help certain companies that provided you with campaign dollars, while putting barriers to entry to their competitors.

Why Some European Countries Are Resistant to Adopting the Euro As Their Currency

The Euro was constructed as a political dream rather than a serious financial mechanism and the history books will tell that some countries were right not to have adopted it as their currency. The European Parliament forced the Euro into creation without proper consideration to Fiscal Union or control and now as the currency begins to falter they stand amazed at events that could have been foretold with only a modicum of wider consideration.

Principal Reduction Program: Will Double Dip Recession Be Prevented

There has been the widely circulated point of view that the risk of the United States economy falling into a double-dip recession is rising and may be real. Of course, the chances of this happening is only about a one-in-four chance according to a report by CNN survey of top economists.

Explain the Measures Taken for Bringing Out the Banking Sector Reforms in India

India had an extremely regulated system of banking. This system suffered from various draw backs. To overcome these draw backs, various reforms were undertaken in two phases.

Federal Grants – Government Support for Research on Aging

Government grants don’t just help those people who are receiving them – they help the community as well in terms of health and social benefits. Take, for example, a National Institute on Aging grant that will be used to finance research on aging and the family. This research program is working to expand understanding of the roles of families and their interpersonal relationships and how they work for the health and well-being of senior citizens.

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