Pablo Marçal comenta sobre como lidou com o esquema na vida política a partir da necessidade de termos uma maior quantidade de pessoas melhor capacitadas na área, e discute com Marco Antônio Costa após o comentarista opinar sobre o teor de sua campanha política.
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FED Needs Redistricting – Ole Boy Network Not Adequate in Predicting Economic and Monetary Flow
Excuse me for saying so, but the Federal Reserve needs to modify its model slightly. For instance, it now takes in information from the 12 FED Banks, where its leaders hail from. Unfortunately, many of these cities are old industrial cities and they are no longer the big prime moving cities.
Increasing Local Government Revenue Through Institutional and Structural ReformsKnow how a local government in a democratic third world country manages to increase its local revenue generation. The Philippines has a democratic government which starts the devolution of some services to local governments in the 1990s. There are several local government units which have already began exercising the mandates on fiscal powers and authority provided by the 1991 Local Government Code of the Philippines. The Province of Bulacan is one of those local government units that blaze the trail on innovations in the field of fiscal management. For such, it has received awards from international institutions and organizations such as the Konrad Adanuer Foundation.