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Entrevistas completas no canal do Pânico Jovem Pan:
Why We Should Claim Back Our Bank Charges
If things began to totter in 2008, it appears that 2009 will be the year that they eventually plunge. The evidence is all around us: Banks, victims of their own hubris and greed are on life-support, requiring fresh injections of capital in the form of massive government bail outs just to stay afloat. As the British taxpayer prepares to foot the bill for years to come, the banks’ drawn purse strings will continue to stifle borrowing for the foreseeable future, offering scant repayment to the hand that currently feeds them.
How Did Macroeconomics and Flawed Market Information Cause the Housing Crisis?Macroeconomics is the broadest view but most important measure of the economic system. As applied to housing, it would address influencing factors such as disposable income, migration, available usable land, interest rates, and so on.