3 EM 1 – 08/08/2022

3 EM 1 - 08/08/2022

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Service Industry Exports – It’s Time For the US to Move Ahead

With the economy shift the US has most of its work force employed in the service sector. This is because we are competing Globally and losing most of the time in manufacturing. There are lots of reasons we do not make nearly as much in this nation as we use too. And many reasons why there are fewer jobs in manufacturing than there were some 30-years ago. Much is due to robotics and automation, but most is due to cheaper labor elsewhere as well.

Will Offshore Drilling and ANWR Solve Our Problems?

There are three main heated debates involving energy right now including John McCain’s Gasoline Tax Holiday, who is responsible for gasoline prices, and what effect offshore drilling and ANWR (the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve) can have on the United States. I’ve already covered the McCain Gasoline Tax Holiday and I plan to cover all three of these topics. All three of these topics are going to be very important when it comes to the the next presidential election and I am currently under the impression that most Americans really don’t understand the issues thoroughly because of the poor job that the media does explaining all sides of these issues.

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