29 mulheres acusam juiz do trabalho de assédio sexual

29 mulheres acusam juiz do trabalho de assédio sexual

Chega a 29 o número de mulheres que acusam o juiz Marcos Scalercio, do TRT da 2ª Região, de assédio sexual. Os relatos foram feitos pelas redes de atendimento do Me Too Brasil, organização sem fins lucrativos que oferece assistência jurídica gratuita a vítimas de violência sexual. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/8qYZyLxiQPk

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Problems In the US Economy – Easily Overcome With a Slight Boost in Consumer Confidence

And on top off all that the monetary flows out of the country due to un-balanced and unfair trade (as if there were ever such things as utopian free trade) is assisting in the of sinking dollar further. Although, that might have been considered a strategy of past administrations, it is not a viable long-term plan, as in previous periods as our manufacturing base has been eroded by over regulation, outsourcing and competition where labor is cheaper.

Why has Unemployment and Inflation Fallen in the UK

In the past 15 years, unemployment has fallen from a peak of 3 million to under 900,000. The claimant count shows that the % unemployed is close to 3% a big drop from 10% in 1992. The Labour Force Survey also shows a drop in unemployment, although it does shows a slightly higher rate of unemployment.

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