Rodrigo Constantino: Maior inimigo do Brasil não é o Lula, mas sim os isentões

Rodrigo Constantino: Maior inimigo do Brasil não é o Lula, mas sim os isentões

Rodrigo Constantino comenta sobre como, apesar da Lava Jato ter sido importante para afastar a corrupção e conquistar a opinião pública, a operação teve sua seriedade comprometida pelos abusos de poder cometidos pelo sistema, que ameaçam o Brasil por serem normalizados por uma parcela da população.

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Post-capitalist Free Market Economy, How Can US Be Rescued (PartIV) – Democracy As a System

This is part 4 of the 8 part essay about socio-economic decline in developed countries leading to lower wages, health care and fringe benefits causing a substantial decline in living stadards particularly in the United states. However, these hardships moves the society toward a more democratic and equitable way of life despite the lower living standards. This article presents a glimps toward that future society, a truly democratic way of life, and prevailing norms controlling the individual life. Each of these 8 articles can be read independent from the others, but all together present the whole picture of the future society.

Post-capitalistic Free Market Society, How Can US Be Rescued (Part V) – Economy, Work and Retirement

This is part 5 from the 8-part essay, however, each article can be read independent from the rest. It is concerned with the operation of economy in a technological democratic society, the status of capital and capital accumulation, workers share in the corporate assets, equality of opportunity in employment, high quality education, privately controlled retirement and old age benefits in a society with no welfare functions.

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