Marco Antônio Costa: Até os esquerdistas devem estar estranhando o discurso de Lula

Marco Antônio Costa: Até os esquerdistas devem estar estranhando o discurso de Lula

Marco Antônio Costa comenta sobre como a discrepância entre a massa popular a favor de Bolsonaro e a ausência de manifestantes pró Lula nas ruas deve-se ao teor socialista do discurso do petista, que visa reduzir as liberdades individuais em prol do Estado.

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Will Cash For Clunkers Work?

The new government program Cars, formerly known as Cash for Clunkers, aims to help improve fuel economy in the nation by giving a discount to those who trade in a gas guzzling car for a more fuel efficient model. The program, currently set to run through November 1, 2009, will give a $3,500 or $4,500 credit to any person who meets the requirements and buys a new car that is fuel efficient. The program is aimed at older cars that get 18 miles to the gallon or less.

FSA Issues Retail Consultation Paper – Snares UCITS and Structured Investments

New waves of financial regulation are swelling the regulatory sea of financial services worldwide – here, we explore one piece of proposed regulatory legislation which is obliquely creeping beyond teh area it is supposed to be operating – what should be termed “Regulators Mission Creep”.

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