Bolsonaro fala sobre chance do Brasil importar diesel da Rússia

Bolsonaro fala sobre chance do Brasil importar diesel da Rússia

Em meio à crise mundial do petróleo que foi agravada com a guerra entre Rússia e Ucrânia e a redução do ICMS sobre combustíveis determinada pelo governo federal, Bolsonaro disse que teve conversa com Putin e identificou a possibilidade do Brasil importar diesel do país europeu.

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Real Estate And Our Economic Future

The market for Chicago real estate will get worse before it will get better. We will, in my opinion, see the housing market slip down even further, this means further decreases in property values, more days on the market, more foreclosures and short sales. Look to 2011 or 2012 for a bottoming out. Not good news, but real news.

Taxes Versus Super High Oil Prices – Amounts to the Same Economic Challenges

It’s been a long time since we’ve had super high taxes in the United States, but soon if things progress as they are currently moving we will become a socialist society and our tax structure will be more similar to Europe than anything that we’ve ever known. Some people say; “so what,” the government will provide our health care, and everything will be fine. But that’s not exactly true.

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