Truque para secar o cabelo como no salão de beleza / Manu Carvalho / JP

Truque para secar o cabelo como no salão de beleza / Manu Carvalho / JP

No tutorial de hoje, a repórter Manu Carvalho ensina a fazer uma escova rápida e um truque para secar o cabelo como se estivesse em um salão. Confira!

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Should the SBA Be a Cabinet Set in the US Executive Branch?

The other day, I was talking to a gentleman who was involved in politics, and also worked in race relations, how fitting it would be to listen to his wisdom only a few days before Dr. Martin Luther King’s holiday. I was amazed to hear of his love of free-markets, small business, and his view that free-markets allow for freedom, diversity, and transcend race and gender issues.

The Face of The Average American Is Changing Due to Economic Chaos

We do not have to shrink because of the economic collapse taking place in America, in fact we should expand our efforts to live a good quality of life. Discover what we can do to make 2012 our best year ever, in the best country on the face of the earth.

Evading the Obvious

A persistent situation has developed among the current political and economic climate that forebodes of large potential problems in the future. This situation finds its source in a phenomenon that we refer to as “Evading the Obvious.”

Expected Economic Recession in 2012

What is the chance of a recession in the near future? Has the world come out of the severe depression it faced in 2008, or is it still reeling from it? Check this article to know more.

Greece To Adopt Austerity Measures

Greece has been facing this dilemma for quite long now and finally it has decided to go down the difficult road. The makings of the Greek debt crisis are beset in the politico-economic system that evolved over the times, including an overly invested public sector and a win-win nexus between the political leadership and trade unions.

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